Kondisi Sanitasi Rumah Penderita Tuberculosis di Desa Taman Kecamatan Grujugan Kabupaten Bondowoso Tahun 2024

HIDAYAT, ISMAIL (2024) Kondisi Sanitasi Rumah Penderita Tuberculosis di Desa Taman Kecamatan Grujugan Kabupaten Bondowoso Tahun 2024. Diploma thesis, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya.

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ABSTRAK Di Indonesia, Tuberkulosis adalah masalah kesehatan yang ditanggulangi oleh pemerintah. Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, yang masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui pembukaan mulut tertutup yang berlangsung selama dua minggu. Kasus Tuberkulusis paru pada wilayah kerja Puskesmas Grujugan dalam 2 tahun 2022-2023 tertinggi ke 3 di Kabupaten Bondowoso dengan kasus sebanyak 106 berdasarkan data wilayah kerja puskesmas Grujugan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah Deskriptif Kuantitatif, objek dalam penelitian ini adalah penderita dan non penderita tuberculosis Desa Taman. Pengambilan sempel menggunakan metode total sempling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 42 rumah Hasil penelitian pada rumah non penderita di Desa Taman dengan kategori Luas ventilasi (79,36%), Pencahayaan (60,31%), Kepadatan hunian (73,01%), Dinding (71,42%), Lantai (73,01%), Suhu (74,60%), Kelembaban (90,00%). Sedangkan kondisi sanitasi rumah penderita Tuberculosis di Desa Taman dengan kategori Luas ventilasi (38,11%%), Pencahayaan (44,44%), Kepadatan hunian (40,00%), Dinding (41,27%), Lantai (41,27%), Suhu (42,86%), Kelembaban (38,11%). maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi sanitasi rumah non penderita dalam kategori cukup sedangkan rumah penderita dalam kategori kurang. Penelitian selanjutnya, hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan rujukan dan pertimbangan dalam melakukan penelitian selanjutnya. Kata Kunci : Tuberculosis, Sanitasi Rumah 2 Kondisi Sanitasi Rumah Penderita Tuberculosis di Desa Taman Kecamatan Grujugan Kabupaten Bondowoso Tahun 2024| Sanitation Conditions of Tuberculosis Patients' Homes in Taman Village, Grujugan District, Bondowoso Regency in 2024 Ismail Hidayat1 , Hery Koesmantoro2 , Sunaryo3 , Karno4 Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Surabaya Sanitation Study Program, Diploma III Program, Magetan Campus Department of Environmental Health E-mail: ismailslankkers@gmail.com ABSTRACT In Indonesia, Tuberculosis is a health problem that is tackled by the government. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, which enters the body through a closed mouth opening that lasts for two weeks. Cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in the work area of the Grujugan Health Center in 2 years 2022-2023 are the 3rd highest in Bondowoso Regency with 106 cases based on data from the work area of the Grujugan Health Center. The type of research used is Quantitative Descriptive, the object of this study is patients and non-tuberculosis patients in Taman Village. Sample collection was conducted using the total sampling method with a total of 42 respondents The results of the study on non-patient houses in Taman Village with the categories of Ventilation Area (79.36%), Lighting (60.31%), Residential Density (73.01%), Walls (71.42%), Floor (73.01%), Temperature (74.60%), Humidity (90.00%). Meanwhile, the sanitary conditions of houses for Tuberculosis patients in Taman Village are in the categories of Ventilation Area (38.11%%), Lighting (44.44%), Housing Density (40.00%), Walls (41.27%), Floor (41.27%), Temperature (42.86%), Humidity (38.11%). Therefore, it can be concluded that the sanitary condition of non-patient homes is in the sufficient category while the patient's house is in the insufficient category. In the next research, the results of this research can be used as reference and consideration in conducting further research. Keywords : Tuberculosis, Home Sanitation

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: 1423/KTI/2024 / 10KTI2024032
Uncontrolled Keywords: sanitasi rumah ; penyakit Tuberculosis
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
Divisions: Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya > Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan > Program Studi DIII Sanitasi Magetan
Depositing User: Endah Widyastuti
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2025 03:49
Last Modified: 19 Feb 2025 03:49
URI: http://repo.poltekkesdepkes-sby.ac.id/id/eprint/10107

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